Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture, Matt Boyle



According to the ancient Chinese the body is comprised of a vast network of channels throughout the body through which substances (qi and blood) flow. These channels could be likened to the road system within a country. The Chinese identified a multitude of primary channels running throughout the body (like the country’s main road highways), as well as as a host of secondary smaller channels splintering off from the primary channels (all the smaller roads that connect up with the main highways). All these channels (both primary and secondary) are inter-connected and woven together in a complex web.

Imbalances (or illnesses) arise when there are blockages or impediments to the free flow of qi and blood as it circulates around the body. Acupuncture is the practice of inserting very fine needles into the body at specific points to influence and harmonise qi and blood flow. In this way acupuncture can be used to both treat dysfunction in the body as well as to promote health and well-being. Acupuncture is akin to sending in traffic controllers to re-establish traffic flow after a car crash on the highway from Melbourne to Sydney.


Needles used during acupuncture are sterile, single-use, disposable, and very fine. Needles are typically retained for approximately 20-30 minutes; during which time you rest and relax. For many people, acupuncture is an enjoyable experience that they look forward to; a time to switch off, disconnect from the outside world, and allow the body to activate its self healing mechanisms.

Acupuncture treatments may also incorporate any of the following auxillary techniques (where clinically indicated):

  • Cupping
  • Gua sha
  • Moxibustion
  • Electro-acupuncture: a form of acupuncture where a very mild electric current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles.